Thursday, July 31, 2008

Brothers - Meet Conner and Pierce

Many of you know that Hunter has feverently prayed for a brother over the last couple of years. His little heart was broken as he saw God give his two best friends baby brothers of their own (and they weren't asking for them). While he was convinced that God wasn't hearing his prayers, we were able to explain that God doesn't always answer in the way we expect Him to, but has a bigger plan. Before school was out, Hunter's prayer was beginning to be answered. (Despite the record number of people I've learned are pregnant this week, no I am not one of them). Our neighbors Julie and Johnny have two precious boys. She was needing someone to watch them this summer on the days that she worked (She's a great hairstylist by the way. I highly recommend her) and asked us. Through this need, Hunter has received not one, but two brothers for the summer. They have been with us 3 days and often play other times as well. They've played together, splashed together, attended Brown Bag Bunch and the movies, and have even fought with one another as true brothers do. I guess the only difference is, they sleep in their own beds across the street and we don't have to pay their college tuition. The beauty of this story is that they've been twice adopted. Before they were adopted by our family, Julie and Johnny adopted these two precious boys from Guatemala. They have truly been a blessing to us. It reminds me how we're adopted into God's family. While we don't deserve it, we have the opportunity to be called the sons and daughters of God.

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